Say No to These Major Mistakes While Growing Mushrooms

Growing Mushrooms

Growing mushrooms is one of the fascinating parts of cultivation that not farmers but also individuals enjoy doing. Some do for business purposes – exporting fresh mushrooms wholesaler across the globe, in other regions – while some do just for the sake of their passion; we heard many people who sow fruit feeds and grow them.

When it comes to growing mushrooms, what mainly causes the pitfall in cultivation that provides required results is a few major mistakes that people must give up while growing mushrooms. What are those biggest mistakes? Let’s find out;

Five Major Mistakes While Growing Fresh Mushrooms

Mistake no 1: Start growing way too many mushrooms

The number one mistake often seen in people who’re just starting is that they start growing way too many mushrooms, or we can say they have a lot on their plate. The easiest way for anyone to start off growing mushrooms is by getting a fruiting kit; Like a ready to fruit block, and to watch it on your countertop or in a minor still air box type fruiting chamber.

This way, you’ll get the whole idea of how the mushroom will start to fruit. To ramp up your production, any inefficiencies you have are going to be amplified tenfold. Thus it must have the efficiency of your operation dialled in before you try to grow any more mushrooms.

Mistake 2 – Using Wrong Source of Substrate

the second biggest mistake while growing mushroom is where individuals source their substrate. There’s a specific idea behind substrates for particular mushrooms which people use.

I have seen people taking substrates from the local woodworkers in the area and use all of them. Many people ask I’ve got many logs, so we grind them into wood chips and use them as substrate?

Yes, you can, but if you want to have an efficient operation, then producing your substrate will add cost and a problem. So, an alternative thing would be to go around your community and source different substrates that you think will fit nicely into your operation.

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If you live in a tropical region, and there’s a lot of agricultural waste like corn husks, or palm leaves, so by using that as your substrate. You can also use pallets, an excellent way to keep your mushrooms consistent. Still, when you’re starting, you can learn on local source substrate, and your operation will be healthier in the long run for finding out how to create an efficient source for your mushrooms to grow on all.

Mistake No 3: Cutting Corners on Sterility

Another biggest problem or mistake while growing mushrooms is when people begin to cut corners on sterility. You know pasteurization, whatever you call it, however many people have been seen on mushroom forums, trying low-tech techniques, for instance, when you’re doing bucket cultivation.

This usually happens in mushroom farms that set up this massive operation using buckets which is cool because it might be better for the environment. Still, in the long run, you won’t be able to keep up with cleaning your buckets properly. Also, cutting corners on sterilization times is never a good thing. Make sure you always follow a certain procedure and follow it every single time.

Once you get contamination in your operation, it’s almost become impossible to get rid of it without shutting everything down and starting all over.

Advice – don’t cut corners on sterility.

Mistake No 4: People Don’t Clean Enough

Cleanliness and sterility kind of go hand in hand. Around 60 to 80% of the time is spent cleaning everything. Whether it’s hydrogen peroxide, bleach, sanitate, or any of the agricultural products approved by your local regulator, it includes anything safe to be around mushrooms.

The most recommendable is 15 bleach, and then hydrogen peroxide, and cleaning daily. If you wipe the walls down doing an entire ceiling down to the floor, this way, you won’t have to worry about contamination which is a high cost in mushroom farming. If you start with good habits, that will help you go long year after year

Mistake 5 – Going to be Genetics

the last major mistake while growing mushroom is, going to be genetics. There are many bunk genetics out; there are many people who take liquid cultures and expand them repeatedly. If you use that, you won’t get the quality fruit which you’re expecting to get. The best suggestion is to go with reputable brands that are leading today,

Many expert farmers breed all their mushrooms in the house so that way, they aren’t senesced. Even if you use other people’s genetics, it won’t be as efficient as breeding your genetics. But definitely, you’d like to start with high-quality strains, so you can.

The conclusion is, if you don’t have proper genetics, then you won’t get the yields, and it’ll never be efficient or profitable or fun if you’re doing it as a hobby.

Best Tips for beginners Who Haven’t Grow Mushrooms Before

Either you’re willing to grow your mushrooms and planning to supply fresh mushroom wholesaler, or just keen to do as your passion of growing fruits and vegetables at home; these tips will provide you best guidance;

Tip 1: Start with a mushroom growing kit

This is the perfect way to start and learn how to grow mushrooms. The reason for using the specific kit is, it ensures high chances of success, and it’s effortless to grow mushrooms from a kit. The mushroom growing kit is like a mushroom fruiting block; it either comes inbox or other forms, but it’s a fully colonized fruiting block, mycelium is entirely taken over the substrate, and it’s ready to go.

This is the same thing that commercial mushroom growers use for growing their mushrooms. Take it out of the box, cut an X in the plastic, and eventually, mushrooms will grow through.

Tip 2: Get a good mushroom cultivation book

It sounds like an old-school method, right? But there can’t be another best guide than a book itself. Though you can get help with YouTube videos as well, the thing is, you can mark any single page where you get the main useful chunks regarding the mushroom growing procedure and keep it with you.

You won’t need to collect scattered information from various sources while browsing on the internet. The best book I can suggest is “Growing Gourmet” & “Medicinal mushrooms” by Paul Stamets. This mainly emphasizes the commercial side of cultivation.

Tip 3: Join Mushroom growing community

The best way to get in touch and learn practical cultivation tips from experienced mushroom growers who usually do this for business purposes. This is something which a book can’t do.

The communities are joined by many people from all over the world who’re equally interested in this work. If you bring all of them together, you’ll undoubtedly learn a lot.

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