Ceramic Tile Vs. Porcelain Tile

Tiles suppliers

Nowadays, there are many different styles of tiles present in the market, which serves various applications. It is tough to differentiate between many tiles like porcelain and ceramic tiles. Tiles suppliers believe that people usually confuse the two as they have similar processes and help similar applications. Ceramic Tile Vs. Porcelain Tile

So, it is necessary to know the critical differences to differentiate these tiles flooring options. If you want to be aware of the latest tile trends and choose the best flooring for your home, go through this post and decide which one to decide for yourself.

Let’s look at some pros and cons of porcelain and ceramic tiles and find out which is best for you!

Ceramic Tile Vs. Porcelain Tile

Ceramic and porcelain tiles supplier considers it the most appropriate option for damp places as both are excellent tile flooring options. Still, you can view some of the significant pros and cons before selecting any of them.

Benefits Of Using Porcelain Floor Tile

1.      Liquid Resistance

The liquid resistance of porcelain tiles is high as they are crafted to get denser and less porous than ceramic tiles. It makes them perfect for use in basements, bathrooms, and other damp locations.

These tiles hold up well to moisture sure, making them a superior option to be utilized in damp places where they shine as the best option around. So, these tiles are perfect for your kitchen as well as bathrooms and swimming areas.

2. Highly Stain Resistant

Different tiles suppliers believe that as they hold up the moisture well, they likely have high stain resistance, which means that it is easy to clean and easily remove the stain. Also, they are highly waterproof and are dense, and the pigment doesn’t have the chance to seep down in and set.

So, porcelain tiles are appropriate for places like the kitchen and areas where there are more chances of coffee, juice, and other substances spilling.

3. Durability

Porcelain tiles are highly durable they so perfect for the commercial environment or in a high-traffic location. Also, it will withstand heavy use over time well as they are a highly dense material that is much more challenging to break. Also, they are a better option than ceramic when it comes to standing up to heavy furniture.

4. Lifespan

As these are highly durable and difficult to break, they have a better lifespan. These tiles are tough to break and also is difficult to scratch or chip as well. So, porcelain tile is a good solid option for consideration when looking for the best in the latest tile trends.

5. Low Maintenance

Porcelain tiles are simple to maintain because of their highly durable properties. To retain them, you only need to wash them regularly, and they will be in shape for years. So, they require low maintenance to stay the same for a longer lifespan.


1. Cost To Install

It’s also more challenging to work with because porcelain tile is so tough. Also, it is expensive and time-consuming to install. So, it is difficult for contractors to install these tiles.

2. Weight

These porcelain tiles are highly dense and strengthful, but they have a significant drawback: they are heavier than ceramic tiles.

3. Grout

You need to ponder the maintenance that grout adds to the comparison, even though porcelain tile is easy to maintain on its own. Grout is a filler material that is compulsory between tiles for an excellent water-resistant installation.

Benefits Of Using Ceramic Tiles

1. Unglazed Ceramic

Unglazed ceramic tiles give you a more natural feel and are affordable and more durable and it’s a perfect option for people who have a raw and rough feeling. However, they are not as water-resistant as the glazed variety.

2. Water Resistance

Ceramic tiles are excellent options for damp places as well as they also hold moisture. Even you can use them in swimming pools and shower applications. These glazed ceramic tiles are heavily water-resistant. Also, they allow the excess water is easy to wipe off before they seep down to the underlayment below your tile.

3. Design Options

These tiles are highly versatile, and tile suppliers consider them the most diverse tile flooring options. They come to sin various complex patterns, so if you are looking for something unique, they are the go-to option for you. Also, you can customize these tiles but mixing two different sizes and colours to create complex tiles patterns.

4. Allergen Concerns

Ceramic tiles are perfect for people that suffer from severe allergies. These types of flooring do not hold hair, dust, and other allergens like we usually see in places like carpet or even wood to a lesser extent. Ceramic tiles are effortless to clean up, and these tiles don’t have harbour allergens over time.

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5. Cost

If you have a limited amount and want a stylish and versatile look, they are the best option, as they are highly affordable. It will cost less to be installed and allow you to spend less money as well.

On the other hand, porcelain is expensive, so if you want lower-cost tiles with durability for your kitchen and bathroom, they are the best option.


It would help if you considered some disadvantages despite fo these numerous benefits when buying this flooring solution.

1. Difficult To Clean

These ceramic tiles are tough to clean which contains grout. But now, some manufacturers are supplying the latest tile trends that don’t consider the grout in between. The grout is tough to clean as it requires scrubbing and often sealing to keep it looking fresh. So, if you want easy clean tiles, they are maybe not a good option if you go for grout ceramic tiles.

2. Weight

Ceramic tile flooring is heavy as they are durable and rugged. It has too much weight to bear for a lightweight floor. So, you must install it on a hard floor that can withstand all the weight that the tiles add.

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