Best Herbal Teas For Pain Relief From Period Cramps

Herbal Teas For Pain Relief

Period cramps can be hard to put up with every month but, good news, you don’t have to! Read my blog to find out great herbal teas that can help your painful period cramps.

The Best Teas For Relieving Period Cramps

  1. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is made from the rhizome of the ginger plant. It is a slightly spicy tea that boasts a tingling flavor and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use fresh or dried ginger or ginger powder to brew this anti-inflammatory tea. Simply add a teaspoon to boiling water and steep for 5 to 7 minutes.

A study published in BioMed Central examined the effects of ginger on dysmenorrhea—the medical term for menstrual cramps. The randomized, controlled trial consisted of 120 participants with moderate to severe menstrual cramps. The patients received either 500 milligrams of ginger or a placebo three times a day. Researchers found that the group that consumed ginger had significantly lower severity of pain and a shorter pain duration.

A second study published in Phytotherapy Research found that ginger also helped to control heavy menstrual bleeding. The study consisted of 92 participants who received either ginger or a placebo. The participants that took ginger demonstrated a significant decrease in blood loss. Researchers think regular ginger consumption may help to alleviate period cramps and reduce heavy blood flows.

  1. Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberry leaf tea is made from the leaves of the red raspberry plant. It has long been used for women’s health in traditional medicine practices in Europe. The tea offers a robust flavour like that of a fruity and tart black tea. It is a full-bodied tea and features a delightfully sweet aroma.

A study published by the European Medicines Agency found that red raspberry leaf tea helped to minimize spasms associated with painful periods. The tea boasts anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce muscle spasms that can cause cramps. According to additional research, red raspberry leaf tea has been used in herbal medicine to strengthen the womb and prevent excessive bleeding.

  1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is made by infusing the delicate blossoms of the chamomile plant in hot water. Chamomile tea is a medicinal herb that is famous for its natural calming and sedative effects. Chamomile tea has been extensively researched and shown to have beneficial properties for improving sleep and relaxation. The sedative effects of chamomile tea may also help to ease cramps and PMS symptoms.

Chamomile tea is naturally caffeine free so you can consume it before bedtime to enhance sleep and get cramp relief. A study published in the Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Infertility found that chamomile tea helps treat painful cramps. The study consisted of 80 university students that drank either a placebo or two cups of chamomile tea every day. The participants consumed the chamomile one week prior to menstruation and during the first five days of their menstrual cycle. Participants that drank chamomile had significantly lower pain symptoms, distress, and anxiety.

Chamomile tea helps to decrease blood pressure and stress by triggering chemical reactions in the nervous system. The tea also helps to decrease inflammation and improve circulation to help boost relaxation.

  1. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is an invigorating herbal tea that can help boost mood and decrease pain. The tea has shown promise in improving exercise performance and decreasing cramps and muscle pains.

A study published in 2016 found that peppermint tea helps to reduce period pain. Researchers compared mint tea to mefenamic acid—a common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication used to treat menstrual pain. The results showed that mint was just as effective as the NSAID in treating pain from menstruation. Researchers point to menthol in mint tea as the active ingredient behind these benefits.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea is a natural diuretic that can help decrease water retention and alleviate period symptoms including bloating and cramps. The tea contains powerful catechins that help to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation to soothe the pain.

One study showed that green tea may help treat uterine fibroids—a common cause of pain in the lower abdomen. The study of 33 women with fibroids showed that people who consumed green tea had significantly lower pain severity and improved anemia. Researchers attribute these benefits to the tea catechin known as EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate.


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